WEBVTT 1 "" (0) 00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:00.881 Yeah. 2 "Krishna Gupta-CDSL" (3088786688) 00:00:00.881 --> 00:00:10.382 Yeah. 3 "Tech" (3344636928) 00:00:10.382 --> 00:00:12.205 You can start. Okay. 4 "cs Neha Singh" (4093296384) 00:00:12.205 --> 00:00:31.530 Good morning, everyone. I'm Neha Singh, company Secretary and Compliance Officer of Admin and Finance Limited. I extend a warm welcome to all of you for the 38th annual general meeting of the company. This meeting provided me an excellent opportunity to interact with you. 5 "cs Neha Singh" (4093296384) 00:00:31.530 --> 00:00:48.240 I hope the shareholders are able to hear us and the video and audio are clear. It is a great great great pleasure to welcome you to this meeting on behalf of the company. I thank you for. 6 "cs Neha Singh" (4093296384) 00:00:48.240 --> 00:01:07.200 From past four years, the company has been conducting its AGM through VC and other audio visual needs and posted to numerous circulars issued by the company issued by the MCA and Cebi. This year also the company is holding the AGM through VC and other audio visual needs. 7 "cs Neha Singh" (4093296384) 00:01:07.200 --> 00:01:23.160 Without the physical presence of the shareholders. On behalf of all the members present at this meeting, I welcome mr. Hermed Asraval, whole time director and CEO acting as chairman of this meeting and to respected members of board of directors. 8 "cs Neha Singh" (4093296384) 00:01:23.160 --> 00:01:39.330 Now I request mr. Dharmin Agreval to kindly commence the proceedings of the meeting by addressing this esteemed virtual audience on behalf of the board. Before that, I'd like to inform you all that, more than 15 members are present, hence constituting quorum for the meeting. 9 "cs Neha Singh" (4093296384) 00:01:39.330 --> 00:01:54.390 Therefore the meeting maybe commenced. To ensure a smooth and disturbance free meeting, all members who have joined are on mute by default. During the question and answer session, the chairman will announce the names of the shareholders who have registered themselves as speaker. 10 "cs Neha Singh" (4093296384) 00:01:54.390 --> 00:02:12.000 One by one. The speaker shareholders will be unmuted by the host. When it is their tone to speak, we request the speaker shareholders to enable their video. While speaking, we request the speaker to use to use the earphone so that he is clearly audible. 11 "cs Neha Singh" (4093296384) 00:02:12.000 --> 00:02:31.470 Minimize any noise in the background Ensure that the Wi Fi is not connecting to any other device, nor the background app is running. If there is any connectivity issue at the speaker's end, we would ask the next speaker to join. Once the connectivity improves, the shareholder will be called again to speak. 12 "cs Neha Singh" (4093296384) 00:02:31.470 --> 00:02:47.970 Once the other shareholder would have completed their terms, I would now like to request the chairman to take forward the proceedings of this meeting. Thank you Mr.. A very good morning dear shareholders. My board members and auditors present in this meeting. 13 "cs Neha Singh" (4093296384) 00:02:47.970 --> 00:03:06.030 I remember the chairman of this meeting and whole time director of the company. Attending the meeting from registered office of the company at indoor. Welcome you all of the 30 day genuine general meeting of the company. Now I would like to start the role call of directors starting with mr. Sanjeev Shermak. 14 "cs Neha Singh" (4093296384) 00:03:06.030 --> 00:03:21.450 And request you to please introduce yourself one by one. Over to you mr. Sanju Sharba. Thank you sir. I must say I am Sanjeev Sarma whole time director of the company. I am attending the meeting from Restart office of the company. 15 "cs Neha Singh" (4093296384) 00:03:21.450 --> 00:03:37.800 Over to you. Thank you sir. Good morning, all indiary stakeholders. I am Joel Barbara I am a chartered accountant and an independent director of the company, and I am happy to attend this meeting. I am also the chairman of audit committee, the stakeholder relationship committee and nomination and regulation committee. 16 "cs Neha Singh" (4093296384) 00:03:37.800 --> 00:03:57.800 I'm attending the meeting from. I wish well to all of you welcome over to you mr.. Thank you sir. Good morning ladies and gentlemen, I am a chartered accountant and an additional director in independent category of the company and member of committee of your board. I'm attending the meeting from registered office. 17 "cs Neha Singh" (4093296384) 00:03:57.800 --> 00:04:03.344 The company, over to you miss. 18 "CS Apoorva Jain" (87564800) 00:04:03.344 --> 00:04:19.370 Thank you sir. A very good afternoon to everyone. I Amurbajan. I am a qualified company secretary and I'm the additional director in the category of independent director of the company and the member of committees of your board. I am attending the meeting. 19 "CS Apoorva Jain" (87564800) 00:04:19.370 --> 00:04:25.522 Getting from my residence at indoor, over to you miss Neha. Thank you. 20 "cs Neha Singh" (4093296384) 00:04:25.522 --> 00:04:56.729 Their members, we have also with us Mr. CFO of the company. Then we have our statutory auditor on behalf of and company and CSDK Gen secretarian auditor of the company. The electronic copies of the notice and annual report for the financial year 2324 has been available on the company's website at admin and finance.com and website of the stock Exchange at BSC india.com. 21 "cs Neha Singh" (4093296384) 00:04:56.729 --> 00:05:14.489 And notice of 38th AGM is also available at the website of CDSL at evoting India.com. The notice of this AGM is given on 38th annual report and with the consent of the members, the notice of AGM is here by taken as red. 22 "cs Neha Singh" (4093296384) 00:05:14.489 --> 00:05:30.749 The auditor report on the financial statements of the company is issued by statutory auditors, Mahindra Bajratian company. I am pleased to announce that the auditors report do not contain any qualification or negative remarks with the consent of the members. 23 "cs Neha Singh" (4093296384) 00:05:30.749 --> 00:05:50.749 The independent auditors report on financial statements of the company is taken as red. The secretarial auditor report for financial year 2324 is issued by DK Jan and company practic practicing company secretaries indoord. Same as being done next to the annual report and does not contain any qualification or negative remark. 24 "cs Neha Singh" (4093296384) 00:05:50.749 --> 00:06:10.999 With the consent of the members, the secretary and auditor report of the company is taken as red. Dear members CS Ishan Jan was appointed by the board as the scrutinizer for the remote e voting and e voting at this meeting. The scrutinizer will ensure the voting to be done in a fair and transparent manner. 25 "cs Neha Singh" (4093296384) 00:06:10.999 --> 00:06:31.489 I would like to inform you that the company has availed services of CDSL for remote e voting and e voting at this aging. And as per the requirements of the company's act 13, the remote e voting was commenced from Tuesday 17th 24 September at 09:00 A.M. and has already. 26 "cs Neha Singh" (4093296384) 00:06:31.489 --> 00:06:55.849 Been completed on Thursday 19th September at 05:00 p.m.. At e voting at this AGM is already commenced and will be available up to 15 min from the conclusion of this AGM. The members who are in the records of the company as on the cutoff date, that is 13th September 2024 shall only be entitled to participate in the e voting process. 27 "cs Neha Singh" (4093296384) 00:06:55.849 --> 00:07:17.429 And voting process. Coming back to our info proceedings, it may kindly be noted that a member who has already cassed their vote by remotely voting shall not be entitled to vote again in this AGM by email. Now, as per the directions of the chairman, I would like to read the agenda items of the notices one by one. 28 "cs Neha Singh" (4093296384) 00:07:17.429 --> 00:07:37.109 I'll read the ordinary businesses. The 1st resolution is an ordinary resolution for approval of accounts of the company for financial year 20. So I'll receive consider and adopt the audited financial statement containing the balance sheet as at 31st 24 March. 29 "cs Neha Singh" (4093296384) 00:07:37.109 --> 00:07:57.109 The statement of changes in equity, profit and loss and cash flow and notes there too, for the financial year ended on 31st 24 March and the reports of the book. 2nd resolution is also an ordinary resolution for appointment of a director in place of the retiring director. I'll read out the description. 30 "cs Neha Singh" (4093296384) 00:07:57.109 --> 00:08:15.869 To appoint a director in place of mr. Dharmendo Graval who retires by rotation at this AGM and being eligible offers himself for reappointment. I'll read out the special businesses now. The 3rd 3rd resolution is a special resolution for approval of reappointment of mr. Sandeep Sharma. 31 "cs Neha Singh" (4093296384) 00:08:15.869 --> 00:08:30.989 The description is to approve reappointment of mr. Sanjeev Sharma as old time director of the company for the further term of five years with effect from 13th March 2025 to 12th March 2030. 32 "cs Neha Singh" (4093296384) 00:08:30.989 --> 00:08:46.679 The 4th resolution is a special resolution for appointment of Miss Appova Jan as independent director. The description is to confirm the appointment of Miss Apoorvajan as a woman independent director for a 1st term of five years. 33 "cs Neha Singh" (4093296384) 00:08:46.679 --> 00:09:03.449 We did pick from 1st August 2024 to 31st July 2029 as a director not liable to retire rotation. The 5th resolution is also a special resolution for appointment of mr. Woman Partners as an independent director. 34 "cs Neha Singh" (4093296384) 00:09:03.449 --> 00:09:19.229 The description is to confirm the appointment of mr. Prediment Parthug as an independent director for a 1st form of five consecutive years with effect from 1st August 2024 to 31st July 2029 as a director, not liable to retire by rotation. 35 "cs Neha Singh" (4093296384) 00:09:19.229 --> 00:09:35.759 The fixed resolution is an alternative resolution for approval of party transactions. The description is to approve the transactions contracts. 36 "cs Neha Singh" (4093296384) 00:09:35.759 --> 00:09:54.299 2015. I request all shareholders please cast your vote if not done so. Dear members, I would like our chairman to invite the shareholders who have registered themselves as speakers with the company if they need any clarifications or have any queries. 37 "cs Neha Singh" (4093296384) 00:09:54.299 --> 00:10:09.479 Thank you Mr.. I would like to open the floor for a question and answer session. We have three speaker shareholders who have registered to ask questions and I would like to request the shareholders to kindly limit their speech to 3 min. 38 "cs Neha Singh" (4093296384) 00:10:09.479 --> 00:10:24.629 We will take up the questions from the speaker shareholders at once and provide their replies at the end of the meeting. 1st is speaker mr. Rohinton. Thank you for your participation. You may now ask your question. 39 "cs Neha Singh" (4093296384) 00:10:24.629 --> 00:10:30.066 Host is the shareholder available? No. 40 "Technical Support Mohit" (1000321536) 00:10:30.066 --> 00:10:31.924 Oh. 41 "cs Neha Singh" (4093296384) 00:10:31.924 --> 00:10:45.487 Okay, so you may proceed to the next shareholder. Okay, 2nd is. Thank you for your input. Please present your question. Is the shareholder present? No. 42 "Technical Support Mohit" (1000321536) 00:10:45.487 --> 00:10:48.120 No. Okay. 43 "cs Neha Singh" (4093296384) 00:10:48.120 --> 00:10:58.022 Thank you for your being here. Please proceed with your question. Post? Not. 44 "Krishna Gupta-CDSL" (3088786688) 00:10:58.022 --> 00:11:00.203 Present. Okay. 45 "cs Neha Singh" (4093296384) 00:11:00.203 --> 00:11:18.629 So none of these speaker shareholders are present. Thank you so much since none of the speaker shareholders are present, I would like the chairman and request him for concluding the meeting. Over to you chairman, so. Thank you. 46 "cs Neha Singh" (4093296384) 00:11:18.629 --> 00:11:35.729 Now I would like to inform you all the members of the company that the result of the e voting along with the report of the will be announced within 48 h from the conclusion of 30 general meeting and share also be placed at the company's VAC and CDSL website. 47 "cs Neha Singh" (4093296384) 00:11:35.729 --> 00:11:50.969 With this, the 38 DGM comes to an end on behalf of the board of directors and the management of the company. I convey our sincere thanks to all members for making the time to join us today and for your continued support over the years. 48 "cs Neha Singh" (4093296384) 00:11:50.969 --> 00:12:06.359 I hearby declared the meeting as concluded. Thank you so much for joining us today. I once again convey my heartfelt thanks to all our shareholders and directors for their continued trust and confidence in the management of the company. 49 "cs Neha Singh" (4093296384) 00:12:06.359 --> 00:12:34.565 My gratitude is due to my colleagues on the board of their valuable guidance. I also convey my sincere thanks to all of our stakeholders, bankers, auditors, legal advisors, consultants, and all other business associates and various authorities for their continued support, interest, and confidence in the company and its management. Thank you. Thank you sir. 50 "Krishna Gupta-CDSL" (3088786688) 00:12:34.565 --> 00:12:40.644 Just end the meeting boy.